This site contains the archives of my travel blogs from 2010-2016.

I'm now blogging via Medium. For other life updates, including opportunities or requests to collaborate, visit my personal website.




Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So close...

It's crunch time, but hopefully my thesis prospectus will be approved by next Friday. 

Working Title: Social Capital, Personal Financial Capital, and Entrepreneurial Intent in Russia

I just got great news last week: My thesis advisor (without my knowledge) sent my prospectus off to a friend and research colleague.  She reviewed it, was very complimentary of my writing, is intrigued by the project, and has hopped on board!  As it turns out, this woman is one of the leading researchers in my specific field of entrepreneurship -- the one whose work I've built my whole study off of!!!  

I was literally speechless when I was told that she wants to work with me.  We've only had the opportunity to have one phone conference so far, but she's already provided some very valuable insight and I'm so excited to see the project develop!

Stay tuned!


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