This site contains the archives of my travel blogs from 2010-2016.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Antigua: The Door Collection

Antigua is a beautiful, colonial city nestled in the central highlands of Guatemala, in the shadow of the beautiful Volcán de Agua.  The city was founded in 1543 by the Spanish, who came to colonize most of Central America until 1773.  That means the Spanish were ruling Central America from the time Michelangelo was painting the Sistine Chapel and Copernicus was suggesting that the Sun is really the center of the universe ... until the time the United States of America was founded.

I visited Antigua in the spring of 2012 with a group of stellar faculty and students from Belmont University.  Our mission was to learn more about social entrepreneurship in its many forms.  You can read more about the trip in my reflections on the coffee industry, life on the road, and visiting the home of some Ixil locals.

Here are some of the doors I passed.


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