You would not believe this place. If I would've known how good it would be here I would have been tempted to stay all month!
After working my way from the north all the way down to the south of China, Hong Kong looks like heaven. And it almost could be. I can breathe!!! The mountains are green green tropical, there are lots of banana trees and just beautiful peaks rising out of the sea. The tops of some of them are hiding behind groups of fluffy clouds suspended over the deep blue ocean and flourishing foliage.

I'm sitting outside the hotel spa in a modern yet classic orthopedic wicker chair with beautiful cream cushions, listening to the indoor waterfalls, and relaxing until my dinner appointment in the unbelievably inexpensive grand sushi buffet-- one of the best in the world I'm told!

Oooohhhh and here's the best part. My room is so pretty and has an iPod player! The thing I hate about traveling alone is that I always get lonely. But it's a lot more fun to be in a room where I can plug in my iPod and listen to my own tunes :)
Plus I can charge it for the looong flight tomorrow.
And tonight I'll get my complimentary massage.

I wondered what was up with that and finally figured it out when I got in the elevator to go up to my room and had to put in a special code to even be able to get the elevator to stop at my floor. Apparently they are all booked up w/ regular rooms so I got a VIP Club room. That explains the price. But it might just be worth it for one night in paradise.... :)
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