This site contains the archives of my travel blogs from 2010-2016.

I'm now blogging via Medium. For other life updates, including opportunities or requests to collaborate, visit my personal website.




Thursday, July 01, 2010

TED: Ideas worth spreading

This site is by far my biggest weakness on the internet.  I could spend hours listening to truly mind-blowing and inspiring lectures and performances on everything from technology to entertainment, design, business, science, culture, arts, and global issues.  Most sessions are under 10 minutes, and the rest seem to be about 20.  Just the right amount of time for the inventor/scientist/genius to make a few concise points and keep the audience engaged.  It's one of the best ways to stay up on current developments in a whole range of industries, even if you have just a few minutes to spare. 

My favorite thing about the organization is that you can go to your iTunes Store and download the talks for free.  I listen to them while I'm at the gym; it makes an hour workout go by in a flash! And when I drive to Portland this weekend, you can bet I'll plug my iPod in for a marathon of exciting, informative TED speeches. 

I highly recommend TED to anyone who likes to feel productive while relaxing.  If you're a parent, I suggest you browse the site and search for some topics that your kids have learned about in school or have taken an interest to.  The videos will really engage them and it will be a fun way to keep their growing brains stimulated throughout the summer break. 

Just click the logo below to visit the site....Happy TED-ing!


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